Photography Lessons from Alexey Titarenko

In this video I take a look at how Russian photographer Alexey Titarenko takes his photographs.

To capture photographs inspired by the style of Alexey Titarenko, here are some key elements and techniques to consider. To me, Alexey Titarenko is one of the most original and authentic photographers of our time, next to street photographers such as Cartier Bresson, Joel Meyerowitz, and Robert Frank.

Alexey Titarenko’s photography technique

Long Exposures: Titarenko’s signature style often involves long exposure times, which create motion blur and convey a sense of movement. To achieve this effect, you’ll need a camera with manual exposure control and a sturdy tripod to keep the camera steady during the longer exposure.

Selecting the Right Subjects: Look for scenes with dynamic elements, such as crowds, traffic, or people in motion. Urban environments with interesting architecture and strong contrasts can be particularly compelling for this style of photography.

Experiment with Exposure Times: Adjust the shutter speed based on the desired effect. Longer exposures (several seconds or more) can create more pronounced motion blur, while shorter exposures will freeze the action. Experiment with different exposure times to achieve the desired level of movement in your images.

Composition and Framing: Pay attention to the composition of your images. Consider the placement of elements within the frame to create a sense of balance and visual interest. Experiment with different angles, perspectives, and viewpoints to find unique compositions that convey the mood and atmosphere you wish to capture.

Post-Processing Techniques: Titarenko’s photographs often undergo post-processing to enhance the desired effect. Experiment with techniques such as dodging and burning to selectively adjust the brightness and contrast of specific areas. Black and white conversion can also help emphasize the textures and tonal range of your images.

Develop Your Personal Style: While you can draw inspiration from Titarenko’s work, don’t be afraid to infuse your own creativity and vision into your photographs. Experiment with different techniques, explore various subject matters and develop your unique style that reflects your artistic expression.

Remember, capturing photographs in the style of Alexey Titarenko requires practice, patience, and experimentation. Take the time to refine your technique and vision, and gradually develop your own voice as a photographer.

Who is Alexey Titarenko?

Alexey Titarenko is a Russian photographer known for his distinctive style of black and white photography, particularly for his long-exposure photographs of cityscapes. He was born on September 25, 1962, in Leningrad (now Saint Petersburg), Russia. Titarenko's work often explores the theme of urban life, isolation, and the passage of time.

One of his most famous series is titled "City of Shadows," which features haunting and poetic images of Saint Petersburg taken during the 1990s. In this series, Titarenko used long exposures to capture the movement of people and the flow of time in the city. The result is a series of photographs that have a dreamlike and surreal quality, with blurred figures and ghostly shadows.

Titarenko's work has been exhibited internationally and is part of several prestigious photography collections. His photographs are highly regarded for their artistic and conceptual qualities, and he is considered one of the prominent figures in contemporary Russian photography.

Make sure to watch my video on Vivian Maier too.