The Photographer’s Guide to Reddit

This is a chapter from my Photographer’s Guide to Social Media & Marketing.

Reddit is a great website to market yourself as a photographer and to get feedback on your photos.

But there are rules.

If you are new to Reddit, let me explain how it works.

How Photographers use Reddit

Reddit is a website where anyone is able to make a board based on a theme like “Photography”.

Everyone can subscribe to that board and the community submits links to the board, based on the subreddit’s rules.

Where to share your photography successfully

The subreddits I list here, are the ones relevant for photographers.

Reddit can be a really good place to showcase your work, as long as you follow the rules and only post your best content.

#1 ITAP (I took a Picture)

I Took A Picture, is pretty self-explanatory.
It’s a subreddit where people post photos they have taken. ITAP is perfect for photographers who want to share their work.

The rules for submitting your photographs to  ITAP (I took a picture):

  • You can only share photographs

    • No paintings, illustrations or heavily edited images.

  • A photograph that you took.

  • A single photograph.

  • A photograph that demonstrates an effort to teach/learn technique or artistic style, or which is being shared as an example of quality photography

  • Your submission must include “ITAP” at the beginning of your title and you should only describe the contents of the image

As I’m writing this, ITAP has 700000 followers. Go to ITAP.

#2 Photo Critique

Photo Critique is as the name says; a place for you to get other people’s opinions about your photo and for you to give feedback on other people’s photos.

As I’m writing this, Photo Critique has 200.000 subscribes photography enthusiasts.
Visit Photo Critique. Click here.

#3 Photography

/r/Photography/ This is a place to politely discuss the gear, technique & tools, and culture of photography.

I’d advise you not to post your own stuff there unless it’s educational or you have an intent to start a discussion. /r/photography/ is heavily moderated and it’s important you obey the rules. That said, the photography subreddit is a great place for discussions and to learn.

#4 Pics

/r/pics/ is the biggest subreddit for pictures with 18.000.000 photographers. It’s extremely difficult to hit the homepage of /r/pics because the competition is crazy and it takes an amazing photograph to do so.

Pics: Find it here.

#5 Non-related, but important subreddits

When you decide which subreddit(s) to share your photo in, think about the topic and context of your photo. I shared this photo-series in the Mexico subreddit.

The Mexico subreddit has nothing to do with photography, but my photos take place in Mexico. The post I submitted there, did really well in terms of new followers.

Other subreddits that might be relevant to you, are the brand of your camera. You can find Fujifilm, Canon, Leica, Olympus, Nikon, Sony and many more.

Don’t link to your blog. Use image-hosting websites

Most photography subreddits include the following rules:

(We won’t allow blog hosting of images or blog spam, but links to albums on image-hosting websites are okay.)

When you post your own work on Reddit, it’s best to use an image hosting website, like Flickr, Imgur, or Reddit’s own upload. I prefer sharing my photos via. Flickr. It gives me a chance that someone might want to follow me or see more of my work.

This is an example of a Flickr photo of mine, I shared on Reddit.

That’s it for my Reddit guide for photographers.

As a photographer, Reddit can be an amazing place to improve your skills, get exposure, and do a little marketing. If you to read more about marketing for photographers, take a look at my Instagram marketing guide.

Get my Photographers to guide to Social Media & Marketing.


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